Entering and adding a new listing is very easy at the IACFB directories. We have added several helpful tips regarding the current categories below to assist you.
All listings for addition to the directory are monitored and will be verified prior to actually being approved for publishing.
The IACFB directories are a free online source of financing and capital for business owners nationwide. Additionally, the directories are the nation’s largest resource for local consultants, independent brokers, and agents providing important financing services for locally for those small and mid-size business entrepreneurs in need of ready capital.
Basic Listing (Free)
Description : Your business description is taken directly from your company website. 500 characters.(1,500 for members)
Factoring Service Types: Type of Factoring services you provide
Niches: Unique finance financings or products that seperate you from others
Preferred Industries: Limit is 8 preferred industries you finance
Minimum and Maximum Funding: Funding size you will provide clients
Custom Your Directory Listing (Member)
Description : Your business description up to 1,500 characters
Preferred Industries: Up to 20 preferred Industries you finance
Image Gallery: Download up to 3 images about your business
Company Showcase: Free Company Showcase on IACFB Magazine
Free Broker Training: Offer FREE training for new brokers compliments of your company