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The Vermont Community Loan Fund is a mission-driven, community-focused alternative lender. We provide loans and other resources to local businesses, community organizations & nonprofits, early care & learning providers and developers of affordable housing who don’t qualify for a loan from a traditional lender. We develop and promote innovative capital-based solutions to issues of poverty, justice and opportunity. We're invested in a stronger, healthier, happier Vermont.

The money we lend is loaned to us by impact investors who want to do more with their money. VCLF investors want a safe, sensible way to invest in Vermont, doing good for Vermonters today and saving for their own tomorrow. In thirty-six years, with over $125 million loaned, we've never failed to repay an investor. Individuals & families, institutions, communities of faith, community organizations: EVERYONE can invest in Vermont through the Vermont Community Loan Fund.

Primary Services Types
Additional Loan Types and Programs
Minimum Funding


Maximum Funding




Regions of Operation
Broker Details